Oak, meet Special Walnut

18 Oct

The only thing standing in the way of me moving into my new home is the hardwood floors.  Victor is working hard to get them done by Thursday, but from what I understand, it is a ten step process. Victor’s motto when working on hardwood floors is that when the job is done, the floors will be “furniture that you walk on.”  I really appreciate the pride he takes in his work.

I went by the house today at lunch and got my first glimpse of the floors with the stain.  It really looks great!  We tested three Minwax colors: Provincial, Special Walnut, and Dark Walnut.  The Dark was too dark, the Provincial was too red, and Special turned out to be the perfect compromise between the two.  I think you’ll agree that it is an improvement over the original, slightly orange, finish.

Tonight, he screens the floors and starts the polyurethane application process!

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