Tag Archives: Design

At last, the angled bookshelf

13 Oct

Dave finally completed his work today and the finished product is just great!  He left me with a lot of neat things to show you over the next few days, but I’ll start by showing you the project that he completed last (today).

Now, I’m kind of partial to the angled kitchen bookshelf, in part because I came up with the idea for it and designed it on my own (with some help from the good folks at the Not So Big House), and in part because it turned out so well.  If you forgot how the idea came about, read my earlier post.  Once you’ve refreshed your memory, check out the finished product:

Once my countertops arrive, they will extend to cover the top of the bookshelf.  This will add additional square footage to my overall counter space, but also (and perhaps more importantly) to the counter height bar that will be to the left of the bookshelf in the photos.

As previously discussed, I think the bookshelf will be both functional and will be a nice added design detail to the kitchen.  Of course, all of this will look much better once I get it caulked and painted.  All in due time.  Nice work, Dave!

The angled kitchen bookshelf

28 Sep

In order to add some length to the counter-height bar I am building in the kitchen, I decided to add 13” to the end of the counter in the form of a bookshelf.  With the refrigerator recessed into the wall, there will now be some wiggle room on that end of the counter.

I was inspired by a photo I saw in Inside the Not So Big House by Sarah Susanka and Marc Vasallo (see photo) to design the bookshelf with an upward angle, an interesting architectural detail, I think.  This bookshelf will be perfect for storing cookbooks and keeping other kitchen-related items out of the way.