Tag Archives: Floors

Oak, meet Special Walnut

18 Oct

The only thing standing in the way of me moving into my new home is the hardwood floors.  Victor is working hard to get them done by Thursday, but from what I understand, it is a ten step process. Victor’s motto when working on hardwood floors is that when the job is done, the floors will be “furniture that you walk on.”  I really appreciate the pride he takes in his work.

I went by the house today at lunch and got my first glimpse of the floors with the stain.  It really looks great!  We tested three Minwax colors: Provincial, Special Walnut, and Dark Walnut.  The Dark was too dark, the Provincial was too red, and Special turned out to be the perfect compromise between the two.  I think you’ll agree that it is an improvement over the original, slightly orange, finish.

Tonight, he screens the floors and starts the polyurethane application process!

Be gone, carpet

13 Oct

Right before Dave left, he pulled up the last of the carpet in the house.  Although there weren’t hardwood floors underneath the carpet in the den, it had gotten extremely dusty during all the construction and simply had to go.

Being the clean freak she is, my mom offered to buy me an area rug if I’d just consent to ripping the dusty carpet out (which at first I was opposed to).  With this offer in place, I couldn’t say no.  So out went the carpet.

Underneath the carpet lived a long-hidden gem of a linoleum tile floor that resembles terrazzo.  See for yourself:

While the long range plan is to eventually lay ceramic tile in the kitchen and den, I am out of money in the short run, so I’m going to be living with my linoleum floors for now.

All contributions to the “Tile Thomas’ Kitchen and Den Fund” can be mailed to 402 East Monroe.  Donations are not tax-deductible but will be appreciated all the same.

Family, friends, and floors

30 Sep

I have the best family and friends.  And the best hardwood floors! On Wednesday night, my mom, Melissa Tribble, and I ripped out all the carpet and pad in the house to reveal some of the most beautiful hardwood floors I’ve ever seen.  Mom says they are white oak, but all I know is that they were well preserved under all that carpet.

Melissa and I came back after dinner and began pulling up the staples and tack strips that kept the carpet down.  We were able to finish the master bedroom and the hallway.  I have contracted with Victor Stokes to screen the floors, fill the holes, and re-seal them once Dave is done with his construction work.

The photos above show mom with a piece of carpet pad in her hand in the living room, as well as the floors that were hidden underneath the carpet in the master bedroom.  These are the floors even before they were swept and mopped, much less refinished, so you can get a sense of the condition they are in.

A big thanks to mom and Melissa for their help with the floors.  I have a feeling that before this house project is over with, I will be indebted to many, many more people than just the two of them!